Jay shree krishna friends

What life is depends on your thinking, not on anyone else.
 The definition of life or life varies according to people. But we will tell life according to you.

 Life is the land of a struggle where everything is achieved through hard work or other methods. By hard work, I mean that you achieve it with your work, thinking, honesty. Because everyone wants happiness and peace in life. However, it can change the thinking of the person, on the situation like a common man wants peace and happiness.
 But it can be different for a yogi, devotee, monk.

 In other ways here I mean that you would like to get it by dishonesty or your conduct.
 Because they mean peace, not physical peace but peace. Rather, they never get complacent, or complacency.
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 Whereas honesty done by oneself, happiness derived from karma, peace is like complacency, self-peace.

 Whenever I have asked myself that when I have felt the most happiness, peace in my life, then I got the answer that when I am tired then after that when I go to rest, then I have the greatest happiness. There is peace and peace.
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 Life means a struggle and struggle means fight.
 This is the reality of life, fight and trouble.
  Because if we remove all the fighting troubles from life, we will first ask for the death that this trouble will be removed first. When there is no death in life, then life is not life because life is the one in which there is death.

 The biggest mantra in life is to do something.
 Because if you think that what he is telling his life is going well, then he is telling it. It is not like that if you do not do anything, then you can achieve death due to hunger, thirst or any other reason.
 You will easily get a job anywhere in life for bread and clothes. And if you think big in this situation then you will have to face problems here.
 Almost every type of life is available in this earth as you think. Good, good, rich, poverty life, problem life, yoga life.
 The place is just the one who needs to be strong because the qualifications are more challenging according to the time.
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Life is an experience of this moment.
 We should worry but we should drown in worry.
 The goal of everyone in this world is secretly death, it is certain.

 Life today belongs to this moment.
 What will happen tomorrow will be seen.
 Parasania is everywhere you look.
 In this world, almost every person worries for at least 4 hours.
 Nowadays no one wants to do physical work.
 Everyone works less and wants to earn more and more money.
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 Talking to the best in life is nice thinking about everyone

 Friends, who tries to be happy in spite of disturbances, unrest and sorrow in life, the one who calms his mind is the best.
 Learn to be happy in life.
 Whatever your life is, keep your mind happy.
 It benefits a lot.
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 And made some rules in his life.
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Jay shri krishna

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